Thursday 16 June 2011

Fated to be and Free to decide.

I came across a very interesting quote on the internet about fate:

“Fate only takes you so far, then it's up to you to make it happen.”
My parents would always tell me something similar to this.
Something like: "We brought you to a country with very good a very good learning environment, now it's up to you to make most of that".
As I thought about it, I could interpret  what my parents said as the quote. My fate was only to come to Canada and study here, however, it's up to me to decide what to do with this fate. I could relax and take everything easy, or I could choose to not let my parents down and study hard. I'm free to choose.

Similarly, Macbeth was also free to choose. Macbeth's fate may have been to become the King of Scotland, but he was free to choose how he met with his fate. Macbeth could either have sped up the process and kill the Duncan (which he did), or he could have waited for the thorn to come naturally to him.
Either way, he was free to choose.

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