Thursday 16 June 2011

Poem of Fate and Free will

I thought I'd do something interesting for my last post, and analyze a poem. I'm just going to be pulling out exerpts from the poem that I found online, but you can read the full poem here:

Shake the hand that makes all your moves
Life is a game as the puppeteer proves
Maybe he lets you pull your own strings
If you are lucky, that's what fate brings
What I interpreted is that this author says that everyone is like a puppet on strings. Every one of your moves is controlled by fate, if you are lucky, then fate will allow you to make some decisions. I feel that this is exactly what Billy Pilgrim is like. He allows the puppeteer, in his case fate, to control most of what he do. Like getting on the plane to Manitoba. Although he knew that it was going to crash, he saw it as if he was not in control of the situation, and with no way of preventing it. Like a helpless puppet.
In contrast, the rest of the poem is more like Winston
Make a choice now and please make it quick
It's all up to you which path you should pick
Stay on board, fly, defy your own fate
Just make up your mind before it's too late
This part is telling you to choose whether you would want to be controlled by fate, or defy it, and do whatever you desire. For me, I see it as if it is asking you to make a quick decision before the opportunity is gone.  This reminds me of Winston because I think that his fate was suppose to have been working at the Ministry of Truth forever. However he choose to go against what was set for him.

This poem caught my interest since it reminded me of many characters from the books we have studied this year.

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